21 December 2005

It's Official..........

Its official I’m a FAT BASTARD! In all my Life all 30 years of it I’ve never been Heavier! I jumped on the Scales this morning for the first time in about 8 months and got the shock of my life when I saw the Needle settle on weight for it! Pardon the Pun! 80 kg’s that’s EIGHT ZERO…..Aaaaaaahh,
So this is were I give up drinking not that I drink a great deal anyway but the beer in the fridge will be for guests only.. and I’ll be upping the Training/Exercise Regime as of now.
I know some of you might say that Muscle Weighs more than Fat but I’m no Arnie Schwartzanwhatever! by any stretch of the warped imagination so I hear by serve notice to the old Matt and vow to drop 10kg’s over the next few months lets say 6 shall we….watch this space…



Anonymous said...

Shit, I remember when I used to weigh 80 kilo's....

I am 100 +.... I think it's around 104.

Still, I haven't smoked now for 2 1/2 years, so that HAS to be a plus..... I think....

Take care....


Matt said...

Cheers Wolfie,
Congratulations you will go down in the annals of history as my first ever respondee to my Blog!
Merry Christmas to you and Yours.
